Friday, April 6, 2012

10 reasons why I love coming home

The thing about going to school 900 miles from everything you know is that going home doesn't happen very much. If you're like me and embrace independence, being in a new place is an exciting adventure. However, even independent people get homesick, and long for the place that they know and love.

I'm currently home for Easter break satisfying my Sugar Land crave, so I thought I'd share with you why I love coming home to sweet Sugar Land, Texas, as much as I do.  

Here are the 10 reasons I love coming home:
1. Mexican food. 
When it comes to Mexican food, Tennessee tries. But nothing quite compares to an enchilada in Texas (except for maybe an enchilada in Mexico...)

2. My backyard smells like Carolina Jasmines, and I love it. 
I've never been one to get swept away by smell association, but Carolina Jasmines always bring me home. 

3. Less school, less stress, more shopping. 
Does that really need explanation?

4. I really just love my cat. 
I gave up trying to be cool a long time ago, and since we're going for full disclosure, I'm just going to say this: my cat is one of my favorite things on this earth. She's loving, she's cuddly, and when I'm not at home I miss her at the foot of my bed. Now, proceed to judge me. 

5. Being away from home makes you love it more. 
When I first come home after a few months of being away, I'm sentimental about everything. I love the busy road that I used to take every day to school, I love the june bugs that buzz around our back door in April, I love everything about Sugar Land.

6. I really do love everything about Sugar Land. 
It was the ideal place to grow up, and now it's the ideal home base to come back too. I don't ever want there to be a day when I'm not coming back to Sugar Land. I feel at home as soon as I get here, there's no awkward adjusting or reacquainting time. In my life at least, things move a little slower in Sugar Land, and I'm always able to find peace here. Everyone should have a place like that. 

7. When I'm home, I'm constantly seeing or hearing things that remind me of life at Lee. 
I think that's a good thing; getting away gives me an opportunity to step away from the stress and remember how much I love my life at school. Pretty soon I start to miss it. Even though I absolutely love being home, going back to school isn't always a challenge. 

8. Reunions. 
When you're gone for a long time and only have a few days to be home, you get the chance to have crazy, jumping around and screaming reunion moments with your friends, and it's wonderful. 

9. Friends. 
There's nothing like sitting down for coffee with a really great friend, especially when you haven't seen that friend in awhile. As much as social media let's us keep up with each other, it doesn't match the experience of actually spending time with someone. I love seeing old friends again and hearing about everything that's happened in their life since we last saw each other. 

10. Family. 
My family is my favorite thing in the world, and these days it's extremely rare that we're all in one place at one time. Any time I get a chance to see even just part of my family, I'm the happiest girl in the world. Spending time with my family is the best and easiest way to get refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester. 

I don't know how long I'll be away from Texas. Whether I come back and lay roots here or just float through every once in awhile, Texas will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I'll always love coming home. 


  1. Caroline! i didn't know you had a blog! what a lovely surprise. and it looks like we started blogging around the same time. yours looks great! and i love this post, so true about coming home to your family and home town.

    i'm totally now a follower of you :)
    check out myself @
    love you&miss you

  2. Katie! I did know you had one either! Thanks for the follow, I'll definitely check yours out at well and follow all of your adventures :)

    Love and miss you so much
