Not only am I in the palm of His hand, but my destiny resides there also. He's got it taken care of already, even though all I see right now are a bunch of question marks.
"'For I know the plans I have for you' declared the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11.
That's great Lord, buy here's the thing: I DON'T know the plans you have for me, and that's where we have an issue. I'm a planner. I like to ask a lot of questions and know things way in advance. So living with my destiny in the palm of the Lord's hand, with no actual clue of what my life is going to turn out to be...that scares me.
I guess I should rephrase...WE don't have an issue, I have an issue. Sometimes I really don't know how to handle not knowing where my life is going, but the Lord doesn't even waste a breathe on it. He's already taken care of everything. Despite all of my doubts and fears, as long as I'm resting in the palm of His hand I'll always be in the right place at the right time. My destiny is already set in the Kingdom of Heaven.
As hard as it is to let go of control over my life, He really knows what He's doing. Actually, He knows more about me than I do, so letting Him take care of me is definitely the better option.
The best part of living in the palm of His hand is that I get to live soaked in His love. Why do I ever worry?!
I pray that you've found your place in the palm of the Lord's hand, and while you're there you let go of all worry, fear, stress, anxiety...and just rest. There's no better feeling than knowing that you are taken care of by the God of pure love.
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