Things sure are changing here on Walton's Mountain.
More like the Tennessee Mountains, but I couldn't resist showing off my old soul by making a Walton's reference.
But anyway, the changes. First off, you may have realized that my internet home now has a new name. Instead of "Chasing Joy," my blog is now titled "The Wanderer." I like this a lot. Chasing Joy began to seem too my mission is to do whatever makes me happy and nothing else. I didn't mean that in the slightest, but I wanted to make sure I didn't come off that way. And besides...I already have joy. It's not something I'm chasing, it resides within me. It's the joy of the Lord, and I just have to connect to it and let it show.
To me, "The Wanderer" means that I don't have all the answers, and it's ok. Because...
-J.R.R. Tolkien
I'm not sure where I'll end up in this life, but I like the idea of wandering. A personality test I took recently told me that I'm a seeker, stating that I like "adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge [the] status quo." So, I'll be wandering around this earth, seeking to spread as much joy and love as I possibly can. The way I see it, as long as I'm wandering with Christ my wandering will never be aimless.
Take the personality test here:
I usually don't buy into these things, but this one was pretty cool, although I did have to enter in my own faith in place of their inner strength message.
The second change is that I'm off Facebook until March 1st. My dormitory hall is doing the "40 Day Revolution" by Richard Mull, and part of the revolution is a fast. It may seem arbitrary, but Facebook really has become too important to me. Being off of it for awhile will be healthy, and give me more time for more important things. It's been difficult for the first few days, but Kellie Pickler's new album "100 Proof" has been keeping me company as I find new things to do with all of this extra time!
So...I guess you can say I'm spending some time working on myself. I always want to be bettering myself; deepening my relationship with Christ's and others. And I always want to be sharing the love and grace that Christ gives me with others.
Other news: I've found a church in Cleveland that I really, really love. I'm so thankful!
Promo shot for Rescued |

Rescued is coming soon! The dance show I've been working on (with Unity Dance Troupe) since last semester is almost here! I'm so excited. This message (slavery) is so important. I went to a forum tonight with various advocates raising awareness for sex trafficking prevention, and once again it hit me how big this issue is, and how captive our nation is currently being held.
Do some research on the issue, and if you're in the area come see Rescued! February 10-11th in the Dixon Center at Lee University. Check out for more info.
This post has gone on way too long, but then again I say that at the end of almost every post, so it looks like that's one thing that isn't changing. Thanks for sticking with me.
....The wanderer.