When it comes to music I have tons of favorites, and I love finding songs to get hooked on and listen to over and over again. Normally I'm attracted to country and acoustic-y type stuff, but I really will listen to just about everything. All of the songs I'm hooked on right now comes from lots of different genres, so I guess you could say I have pretty diverse taste. So...here goes!

Create a MySpace Playlist at MixPod.comAugustana--Boston
I have my roommate Caroline to thank for my obsession with this song. It's currently my ringtone, and pretty much background music of my life right now.
Reba--If I Were a Boy
If anyone could cover Beyonce well, it would be Reba. She just does everything right. Oh, and I really want the green dress that she wears in the video.
Lady Antebellum--When You Were Mine
Their whole new album is awesome, but this is definitely my favorite song (right now anyways). Why am I so obsessed with heartbreaking songs??
Carrie Underwood ft. Sons of Sylvia--What Can I Say?
I've been obsessed with this one since it came out, and it still makes me cry. Their voices blend really beautifully.
Jaymee Dee--I Will Follow You Into the Dark (Death Cab for Cutie)
This is a cover that I just heard for the first time a few minutes ago, but I can tell that I'm going to be obsessed with it already. I love her voice!
Jimmy Eat World--Hear You Me
This one is another one you can blame Caroline for :) It's an oldie and I've heard it before, but for some reason I'm just now becoming obsessed with it. This song is perfect for a sad drive. so lucky, so strong, so proud.
Dave Barnes--Until YouJimmy Eat World--Hear You Me
This one is another one you can blame Caroline for :) It's an oldie and I've heard it before, but for some reason I'm just now becoming obsessed with it. This song is perfect for a sad drive. so lucky, so strong, so proud.
This playlist needs some happy. I could go on and on about why I love this song, but instead just listen. Love was kept from me like a secret, and I swore that I was through until you.
Zac Brown Band--Keep Me in Mind
Try to listen to this song and not dance, seriously. I. Love. Zac. Brown. Band.
I could probably make a playlist of 42532584573042 songs that I'm obsessed with, but I won't :)

Sometimes I just can't believe how blessed I am. Actually, all the time.
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